Lilypie Second Birthday tickers

Lilypie - Personal pictureLilypie Second Birthday tickers

Sunday, December 26, 2010

Lots of firsts!!!

It was Kendall's first Christmas! We had so much fun! Matthew and I opened up our presents on Christmas Eve and Kendall was a pro at opening up wrapping paper! It was soooo adorable watching her do it, of course she was more interested in the paper than the gift, but that was okay. Then we went to Matthew's parent's house and spent the night. We got to hang out with his grandparents (Kendall's great-grandparents). Kendall again got to eat wrapping paper. By now I think she may have ate a lot more than we would like!! At noon we went to my parent's house for lunch. Kendall got to eat turkey for the first time. She seemed to really love it. Then my parents graciously babysat while Matthew and I went to a movie. Then we came home and cleaned...really romantic, I know. It was Kendall's first night away from me. But it was nice. Then we woke up this morning and saw it snowing!!! I love snow since I grew up in Vermont. It was the first "white" Christmas that I've had down here. We drove to my mom's and got Kendall all bundled up and brought her outside. I don't really think she cared about the snow...oh, well!! We braved the roads again and decided we were going to go to Walmart...boy they were packed! But we did a little shopping there and headed to the mall. Got to run into Erin and my old best friend. Then we came home and relaxed the rest of the day. Now Kendall is asleep...I wonder if she is happy to be home and sleeping her in own bed since she hasn't the last two nights?
Well I thank God every day for my little girl. I couldn't have asked for a more perfect gift in my life!!!

Saturday, December 18, 2010

Christmas play

Kendall gets to be baby Jesus in the Christmas play tomorrow! Matthew and I have played Mary and Joseph before but it's quite exciting to bring Kendall into this as well!! I think my parents and hopefully Matthew's parents will be able to come as well. I love the fact that she is growing up in the church and we get to participate. I hope that she will continue this when she is old enough to make decisions.
We are also very excited for Christmas this year!! Our first Christmas with the baby. She has a billion and one presents under our tree this year including outfits toys and some summer stuff. I am going to go consignment shopping someday and get her a few more books. We have been reading a lot from the library (since we read every night) but I like for her to have her own books as well. We are going to open presents at our house on Christmas Eve then go to Matthew's parent's house and spend the night. We've done that for the past few years but this year will be new and exciting! Then we will do Christmas with them that morning and head to my parents house for more Christmas stuff! Hopefully we will get to spend some time with Matthew's grandparents when they come up from Georgia.

I finally sent my Christmas cards yesterday. That took forever!! And I misplaced my address book so I didn't send as many as I hoped to. But that's okay.

Alright, I'm going to catch up on some reading then go to bed. Jesus and her parents have to get up early in the morning!

Friday, December 3, 2010

Solid Foods

We've started Kendall on solid foods. So far we have tried: bananas (loves the fresh, but not the mashed too much), peas, carrots (loves), sweet potato (loves), prunes (loves) and some Mum Mum teething things. She really hasn't hated anything yet, which is good. I think I'll try some pears with her tomorrow. I think she'll like them!
We went to the Asheboro parade tonight. My mom and dad were in it with their motorcycles. Kendall seemed to enjoy it except when the fire engines would honk or anything would be realllly loud. She cried two or three times. But mostly enjoyed herself. It was cold! I hope that it snows tomorrow. It would be great to have Kendall out in it!
Not much else is going on. Kendall and I are headed to Lincolnton to see Stephanie for her Christmas party. I know that we will enjoy seeing her!

Sunday, November 21, 2010


Kendall Paige was Baptized today! It was such a glorious moment! She was dressed in a long white lacy dress with a cute little bonnet. She looked like she was straight from Little House on the Prairie. She only cried a little when the preacher dribbled the Holy water on her head, but I think it was because her bonnet was in the way and it made the water get on her face, which she hates. But other than a little out cry, she was really great! We had a huge lunch after in the fellowship hall. It was so great to have everyone who came! I am soooo thankful for the church family. They even got Kendall a baby bible. It is so beautiful. I am so happy that we go to church there. We always feel a part of the family. Kendall was our preachers first baptism so I know that he'll remember it for a long time! And hopefully, in the far far far far off future, he will get officiate her wedding. I think that would be really sweet!!!

On another note, we went and got our pictures made yesterday. I was a little upset, we had made an appointment for 12 and when we got there they said that they were about 45 minutes behind which I understood, but it was after 2 when we were able to get in there and get finished. I was a little upset because I don't think that the group in front of us had an appointment and they were allowed to go before us. Anyways, though, her pictures came out gorgeous as always!! I love my little girl more and more every day that I get to be with her!

Wednesday, November 17, 2010

New Teeth??

Sunday Kendall will be 6 months old! Wow...and she is starting to get teeth. They haven't broken through yet, but you can see a little line of them on her bottom gums! how exciting, She got to go in her walker for the first time the other day. She crab-walked (walked sideways) across the living room floor in her new sneakers! Too cute!
I've been blessed that I have been able to work a lot the last few weeks. Especially with Christmas right around the corner!! I may be able to do a little for Christmas this year! I bought Kendall a mini tree and decorated it with red and white ornaments. It even has itty bitty lights on it. Too adorable! I also got a 6 1/2 foot tree for my birthday from my mom so I have been searching for ornaments to put on it. I have another 3 foot tree that will be Matthew's and it will be decorated with all his hobbies he likes. Speaking of which, he just came home...time to start some dinner :)

P.S. Kendall's baptism is on Sunday. We can't wait to share this joyous day with everyone!

Friday, November 5, 2010

Growing up!

Well in the past month Kendall has started rolling over onto her belly and back onto her back, babbling more and we think she's cutting teeth. She likes to chomp down if we have our fingers anywhere near her mouth. We had a great Halloween. I dressed her in a zebra outfit and we headed to Nana's and then to Erin's church to get lots of candy (for mommy and daddy). Everyone loved her, of course!! She was perfect as always. I'm finally working more with substituting and making a little bit through AVON. I can't wait for Christmas this year. I bought Kendall her own little tree (It's like 2 feet tall) and some tiny ornaments to go on it. I'm hoping to get a 6' tree for the living room and put the little trees up around the house and decorate them nicely.
Just counting down til Christmas. I'm so excited to see what we can find for her to open up!! I love my little girl :)

Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Babble babble babble

My little girl is trying to talk! Oh no! Watch out! Once it starts, it doesn't stop. I am so tickled when she tries to talk. It just comes out, "Ohhh, babbble babble babble" but OH SO CUTE!!!! Love it. When we were in church the other day I kept moving my finger over her mouth as she was trying to eat it and she would make the best and cutest sounds ever. Everyone was laughing at us, I feel bad because I kept interrupting the preacher! I am so happy that we are going to church more regularly. I want Kendall to grow up in a Christian community. We have our church fall festival this Saturday. Kendall will get to go on a hay ride! Super excited about that. I just gotta remember to charge my camera before we go. Also, we have finally set a date for her Baptism. It is going to by November 21st, a Sunday. Our preacher is going to insert it into his sermon for that day. I cannot wait. Kendall's Nana got her a precious Baptism dress. I just have to find her a cute white headband and white flower or bow to go on it. I'm on this bow kick lately, because she looks so darling in them!
We get to go on another road trip next weekend to Hickory. We are going to spend the weekend with my best friend for college. I cannot wait to see her. And her mom gets to meet Kendall for the first time ever! Super excited for this!
alright, all the typing is making my little girl wake up a little bit. Goodnight all!! <3 MFC

Wednesday, October 6, 2010

Kendall and Avon

Most of you know that I have been out of work since Kendall was born. Well, getting closer to the holidays it's been difficult pulling ends together. So, I decided that I would start selling Avon to help out for Christmas this year. Everything that I earn is going to go towards Kendall and Christmas. Then after Christmas, if I decide to stick with it, it will all go into her savings account. So, if anyone is interested in buying Avon, just let me know! I am thinking of doing an Avon party at my church in November with lots of give-aways and discounts! Be on the lookout!

In other news, Kendall is talking up a storm every day. I think she likes elephants because she has a few and they are the few toys that she will sit and babble to all day long. We call all of her elephants Ellie so we tell her to tell "Ellie" all about her day, and she goes on and on!! Such a cutie pie!!! We have her Halloween pictures set up for the 14th and then she goes on the 21st for her shots. I dread that!!! But as long as it keeps her healthy!! Loving my little girl! :)

Thursday, September 23, 2010

4 Months!!

Holy moly, it's been 4 months already!!! SO hard to believe. We got her pictures made on Tuesday. They turned out beautifully. Hopefully Sears will get our orders straightened out and I can post them on here.
Kendall is already rolling over. We will walk upstairs and find her on her side sucking her thumb, it's adorable! I still think its the absolute best feeling when she smiles at me, and apparently I'm doing something right because she smiles all the time at me. I certainly love that little girl!
Everyday I know I have made the right decision in not getting too stressed out about not teaching. I am getting regular subbing jobs a few times a week but most importantly I am spending more and more time with Kendall. We are planning her baptism soon! I am totally excited. I gotta find her a cute little white dress. She's gonna look like a little bride. The whole church seems as excited as I am to have her Christened.
Even though it's a half a year away, I am planning her birthday party. It's going to be a pool party. I bought her two swim suits this week. They were really cheap, I figure she'll only get to wear them a few times. She's growing out of clothes like a little dandelion weed!!!
Today while I was subbing, all I could do was think of how nice it would be to go home and see her. AHHHHH I just love her!!!
I'm trying to accumulate a lot of friends for her. Naturally, she has a billion friends who were just born this year. Erica had Daniel, Amanda is having Laci, Lisa had Adrian and a few others are having babies within the next year. And I have some close friends who are thinking of making a family soon. I can't wait!
We went to a 31 party last night and Kendall was hugged and kissed on by this little 2 year old. It was FREAKING cute as all get out!!! He had to kiss her a dozen times before he would leave. Even though he's a bit older, I'll be okay with it. It was too cute not to be okay with it. I'm sure Matthew would have had a heart attack had he seen it!

Alright, she's cooing in her pack n play, so I'm gonna go play with her!!!

Friday, September 17, 2010


September has been a great month for us. Kendall is holding her head up great now. She will even pull herself up into a sitting position with my help. Today she bounced on her pony for about 20 minutes. She is the prettiest little girl. Everyone loves her so much!! We are taking her four month pictures next week. I am putting her in a little jean dress and sitting her next to a basket full of apples. I hope it turns out like I want it to.
Kendall finally got to meet her great-grandmother, Mimi, from my side of the family. Mimi seems to love her as much as I do. She sits and eats with Kendall's picture in the morning and always says she is a good little baby!
We finished our first chapter book the other day. We read the Watsons go to Birmingham- 1963. It was good and we read it at night time. Now we are in the middle of a Golden Book collection. Those stories are kinda crazy and pointless, but nonetheless we are reading every night! I hope that she is an avid reader when she is bigger, because that is where she will gain most of her vocabulary and it will help with writing and grammar all down the road! I love my little girl! Thank you God for giving me the best little girl in the whole wide world!

Sunday, September 5, 2010

Road trip

We set out for Pennsylvania on Wednesday morning. Kendall and I spent the night at Nana's so we could leave early. We left around 9 a.m. Kendall did fabulously!! She slept most of the way, waking up every 4 or so hours to eat. We only had to stop twice. We got to go shopping while we were there. Kendall came back with a car load of goodies! Nana got her a new activity play mat where she has to hold her head up and look at pretty colors. I got her a Leap Pad reading notebook, new noise toy and some clothes, and we also got her a huge box of books for a 1.00 at a yard sale! My sister let me take a bunch of toys for her that she used with Robert, so we are excited to clean up some things and start playing!!!
On the way home, Kendall was soooooo adorable. She woke up and cooed "Hiiiiiiiiiiii." She only got fussy one time for less than five minutes. She was perfect on the whole trip. She got to spend some time outside and use her new hat that her aunt Jamie got her, it was cute! Her cousin Robert kept telling me she was really pretty :) it was sweet hearing that from a 2 and a 1/2 year old!!!
Alright, time to try to get some of her things organized!!

Monday, August 30, 2010

First road trip

Kendall, Nana and I are planning our first road trip this week. We are packing and headed up to see my sister, brother-in law and nephew in Pennsylvania. Keep us in your thoughts that we make it there safely! I'm so excited to see how she does. I'm going to sleep over at Mom's tomorrow and we head out on Wednesday morning. Should be a lot of fun!

Kendall is growing a mile a minute. She's talking to herself/stuffed animals/us all the time...just cooing, ahhing and everything. It's the cutest thing ever. Today Matthew was having fun with her, he would sit her up and she would look around and at the TV...when he would relax her on his chest she would get all fussy and demand to be back in sitting-up position! It was great!! I love that little girl more than anything :) <3

Wednesday, August 25, 2010

God works in mysterious ways


I was so bummed today because it was the first day back for students. As a teacher, my heart was very conflicted because I wasn't standing in front of a classroom full of students who would have been just as anxious as I was! I already knew what my plan would be for the day and everything. I've been bummed about not having a teaching just for awhile.

Then, as I was grumbling up the stairs, since I didn't want to get out of bed today...I opened up your door, turned off the closet like just as I do every morning, and went around the corner saying, "Good morning's my pretty girl today?" And you looked up at me as I came into view and started smiling at me. My heart melted, and I knew that I wasn't meant to be in front of that classroom today, I was meant to hold you in my arms all day long and snuggle, which is exactly what I did!!

You are the best thing that has ever happened in my life, and I am so thankful that you chose me to be your mommy. I hope that I don't disappoint you too much as you grow up. I had a wonderful mommy who taught me well, and I hope to do the same for you.

I watch you grow everyday and I am amazed that I was able to create you (of course with the help of your daddy and God!!!). You are so perfect in every way that I almost cry every time I see you! I am very proud of you, and I always will be!!!!

I love you Kendall Paige :)

Tuesday, August 24, 2010


LOL...laugh out loud, that's what Kendall did the other day after her bath! Matthew was so excited to hear her do it. He said he asked her to do it again and she apparently said, "K!" so now he thinks she is going to spell her name! LOL....from me, of course.
I'm still hunting to get a job, but haven't found anything yet. I have even considered babysitting on the side just for a little bit to help out. I mean, i LOVE staying home with Kendall, but I am getting SO lazy...I will stay in my pjs all day long and watch TV, when I really should be cleaning around the house or playing with Kendall. Not that I am ignoring her at all, but sometimes she spends more time sleeping in her crib than playing with me. I haven't read to her in two days, ugh...I feel like a bad mommy sometimes. My mom said that it's normal to feel that way, but dang, I feel bad!!! Alright, I guess I need to go cook some dinner! <3 M

Friday, August 20, 2010

3 months tomorrow

We are going to take Kendall for her 3 month pictures tomorrow. She is going to wear this CUTE ladybug dress...we did a theme of ladybugs and now most of her clothes have the bugs on them! It's too cute! It even has little sparklies on it, and it's pink, green and navy blue. She is going to look gorgeous!
We tried out her Bumbo today. She was a little lopsided, but I think she enjoyed it for the most part. She is holding her head up more and more, especially when I lay her on the Boppy we have upstairs. I exchanged her 0-3 month clothes for 3-6 month clothes. And to think, I thought she would be petite and not fit into her 3-6 for a long time...phew, she proved me wrong! Not much else is new...still no job, except the best one ever: Mommy!
Alright, bedtime so we can wake up and be at the studio on time :)

Thursday, August 19, 2010

So scared of SIDS

I am terrified of SIDS (Sudden Infant Death Syndrome). Every time Kendall sleeps past 10 A.M., I get so worried. I walk through her door with an urgency to make sure she is okay. Everyday she is laying there, usually sucking on her thumb and smiling up at me.
I don't know how people who have lost a child handle it. I can't imagine! They are the strongest people I know, and I do know a few of them. And most of them have the strongest faith I have ever seen, which makes me want to be a better Christian so I can have that same faith!
I have been trying to learn as much as I can about my faith and it seems to get better everyday. I picked up a childrens bible for Kendall and we read through that together. If anything, I want to have a good influence on her life and have her grow up in a Christian home. My parents brought me up right, even though we didn't go to church, I had a strong moral upbringing. For that I am thankful and I want nothing but the best for my little girl. I never thought I could love something so much as her!!!!!
Alright, that wasn't much of a blog, start off sad and end sappy!! Haha...

Sunday, August 15, 2010

1 week until we are 3 months old!

Time is just FLYING by! I cannot believe Kendall will be three months old next week! Matthew and I were talking today and we are just amazed at how fast she is growing. We can't wait for her to be able to walk and talk but I know we will miss these cuddly times now! Everyone keeps asking when we will have another baby, but I think we are going to wait for a few years. I don't even know if I want to go through it...Kendall was the best pregnancy, labor and baby *so far* and I just KNOW that the next one will be the exact opposite. Will I be able to handle all of that?? I don't know. I just have to have faith that what is meant to be will be!
Kendall is holding her head up a lot better now. I have been putting her on a Boppy on her tummy and she will just look around and back at me and Matthew. It's great watching her grow up!!!

Wednesday, August 11, 2010


Kendall has found her thumb! She prefers it to a paci now. It is SO cute watching her sleep with it in her mouth.
Everyday I fall more and more in love with her. She is the most precious gift God could have ever sent me. Today I got a kick out of her and Erin sticking their tongues out at each other. It was hilarious!!! Every time she would do it, I would just be filled with more love and pride for her. My faith in God becomes stronger everyday Kendall is in my life. She is my firm affirmation that I needed. She is my angel that was sent specifically for me to help me in my lost life.
I can't believe that in just 10 days she will be 3 months old. Where does the time fly by to??? I wish it would slow down a bit.
It looks like I may be staying at home with her during this school year. I thought it wouldn't be a good thing at first, but it seems like it may be what is supposed to happen! God works in mysterious ways! She will have lots of books read to her if I stay at home! And I am determined to have her picking her head up soon, then crawling! YIKES!!!! Well, good night blogging world. <3 src="file:///C:/DOCUME%7E1/Defualt/LOCALS%7E1/Temp/moz-screenshot-1.png" alt="">

Saturday, August 7, 2010


Matthew let me get a new computer today. It has a webcam so Kendall and I can talk with Sara and cousin Robert in Pennsylvania. I don't really think Kendall cared much when we set it up. She just kicked and cried, lol. I'm sure one of these days she will enjoy it! (of course, by then they will have new and better creations for talking to long-distance relatives!)
We had a good day today. We went shopping with Erin. I bought a bunch more books, a toy and a dress at a consignment sale in Randleman. They have a half-off sale next week, so Nana and I might check it out! I'm not big into buying clothes unless they are really cheap, especially as fast as she is growing. It's almost time to pull out the 3-6 month clothes, because she is so long that the onesies are getting stretched. She can still wear newborn sizes if they are a two piece. She wore a newborn size today, it was cute!

Friday, August 6, 2010

August is here!

Wow, Kendall will be 3 months here soon! I really can't believe how fast time is flying with her. She is such a sweet baby! Yes, she can get fussy some days, but don't we all?? We have gotten her into a routine, mostly.
I am hoping that soon I will get another laptop and start spending the days upstairs with her. We have everything up there, books, recliner, crib, TV, scrapbooking area, tummy mat, toys, etc... I think she'll love being up there during the day too.
Not much has really happened in the past few weeks with her. She's smiling a lot now, and my mom says she is starting to giggle. I haven't heard that yet, but I can't wait. Her smile makes my entire day! I think she likes the books, Clifford. When I read them to her, she seems to be listening really well. Or maybe it's just my doesn't matter!
I don't know if I'll be starting work this year or not, because no schools have been really hiring. I may get to stay home with Kendall a little longer! That would be really great, so I can work with her on reading and developing in all the areas. I know that I need to just remember that if it's meant to be, it will happen. It's just been hard to be comfortable with that conclusion...
Alright, time to get Kendall dressed up and we are going out to lunch with Erin :)

Saturday, July 31, 2010

Night number 2

So Kendall did really well last night! So much better than her mommy did. I stayed up till after 3 watching her monitor, thinking "is she asleep? What if she's crying and I can't hear her? Is she breathing?" Oh it was kind of a relief when she started crying at 5:30, even though I had only been able to sleep for two hours. Matthew let me take a nap later.
Tonight is night number two. She was a little fussy when we put her down, but hopefully she'll go to sleep soon. We read 3 stories and put on her little mobile. We left her staring up at the spinning ladybugs! I don't hear her, so hopefully she is snoozing!! Time for me to get to bed as well. We have more pictures to take tomorrow at church. Goodnight! :)

Friday, July 30, 2010

First night upstairs

Oh my gosh...we just put Kendall in her crib and left her upstairs for the first time. I am so nervous about leaving her up there. We have the monitors set up and everything, but I know I will stay awake and listen for her all night. She looked so tiny when we laid her up there!!!
I guess this will be her nighttime routine: bath, lotion, nightgown, swaddle, feed, read/sing bedtime stories then kiss her goodnight and leave with the mobile on.
I need to get a TV and a computer upstairs so we can spend more time up there anyways. We spent sometime up there today doing tummy time and reading. I feel bad when I don't read to her sometimes. So we read two books today: Peter Rabbit and Alice in Wonderland.
Alright, goodnight blogging world...we shall see if I go to sleep!!!

Thursday, July 29, 2010

Picture Day

Kendall did so well for her pictures today. Fernando and Judy from our church came and snapped a few shots. They said we'll get the pictures once he has time to fix his picture printer.
We are going to get some more shots taken on Sunday with Matthew at church! Can't wait. I hope he caught a good one of her smiling!! :)

Wednesday, July 28, 2010

2 months have flown by

I can't believe Kendall is already over 2 months old!! We are going to try to move her into her room this weekend. She has been sleeping in her bassinet next to us since she came home, but she has been sleeping through the night for quite awhile now, so we think it's time. But, we're going to do it on the weekend in case I can't handle it, and have to walk up there every 5 minutes or so! Her room has been set up for a loooooong time now. If I were her, I would definitely want to hang out up there instead of being next to me and her snoring daddy!
So in 2 months she has learned to smile (BEST BEST BEST feeling in the world to see her smile at me), she is scooting when we put her on her tummy. We are still working on holding her head up. She can do it for a little bit, but then it goes all wobbly and rolling around.
She is absolutely adorable when she eats. It's like she makes appreciative sounds while she is eating, and if she is really excited, her eyes get all big and cross eyed when she sees she is about to be fed. It's wonderful being a mommy.
I feel badly that our house has been looking so bad this summer. I'm just relishing my time with Kendall. I don't want to take her for granted in any way. Yes, I wish the house would stay cleaner, but it'll be there and it'll get done sooner or later!!!
Tomorrow she is getting her pictures made. I've contemplated her outfit...I have a bazillion picked out for her to wear. We'll see which looks the best though....and of course to see which bow works with it!!
Alright, I guess I better get to bed!!! Goodnight blog world :)

From the beginning

September 2009 I was sent to the doctor's office because I had a horrible asthma attack. I was given high doses of steroids to help get it under didn't take many days to get back to breathing right!! A few weeks later, I noticed I had not had a visit from Aunt Flo...*ahem...sorry guys*. Right away I called my mom to ask her if she thought the medicine would cause that, she said she didn't think so, so I ran and took a test. All I remember saying was, "Oh my gosh, oh my gosh, oh my gosh!!!." Matthew came in and just kept staring at the test then back at me with a huge grin on his face. I squealed and immediately called my mom. She knew I was...she has that way about her!! I finally called a few of my close friends and my sister while Matthew called his parents and grandparents. Everyone was so excited!!
I immediately began getting 'ready' for pregnancy. No more cleaning!! No more kitty boxes!! No more stress (at least, I tried).
Never once did I have morning's like she knew I couldn't have handled it. It was amazing hearing her heartbeat, seeing her on the ultrasound machine or feeling her kick. I was in love!!!
Towards the end of April, beginning of May, my feet started swelling...I didn't have ankles within a few days! It was bad...they looked like elephant legs. I was always standing at my job as a teacher, and it was frowned upon to be sitting in your classroom. Every chance I got, I put my feet up. The doctors told me to rest as frequently as I could, drink plenty of water and to prop my feet. I did all this, but I continued to be miserable.
Finally I went to the doctor in the middle of May and said I am so ready to have my feet back to normal and we scheduled an induction for May 20th.
May 20th rolled around and I was due to be at the hospital at 6:00 A.M. My mom and Matthew were there, and Nikki came around 11. I had packed for a few days and brought games and books to read (I had never done this before and I didn't know what to expect). My doctor came in after 8 and broke my water. Which was by far, the WEIRDEST sensation I have ever gone through. Soon I was under way!...or at least I thought so. I was given Petocin to start contractions, which occasionally happened. They were a little painful, but Stadol was my knocked me out!!! Finally, at 4:00 P.M. I decided that the contractions were better if I didn't feel them anymore. I wasn't allowed out of my bed why not have an epidural (later...I found out how EXPENSIVE they are!!). I was so scared about having a needle in my back that I was shaking. Thankfully, my mom held and helped me get through it. After the initial prick, I didn't feel much. Soon, my legs were asleep! Back to playing Phase 10!! See...I DID need those games. My mom, Nikki and I played Phase 10 and watched a bunch of movies. I stared, drooling at them while they would sneak in some snacks. I wasn't allowed to eat anything in case I had to have a C-section. (But Nikki gave me a spoonful of her chocolate delight...yum!).
Around 7 P.M. I still hadn't progressed as quickly as the doctor was hoping for. We started talking about doing a C-Section. Again, the shaking started. I didn't know what to expect. I was so SCARED!!! They checked me again at 10 P.M. and then went to call the doctor to say that we were going to go ahead with the c-section. I don't remember if I cried or not, but I think I should have because of the way I was feeling.
Someone 'upstairs' must have seen how scared I was to have to have a c-section because the nurses checked me once more at 11 P.M and found that I dilated more and they were going to call off the c-section. I started trembling again because I had JUST gotten used to having to have to go to surgery.
The waiting game began again. I think I tried to sleep on and off to make the time go by faster.
Around 3 in the morning I began to feel the need to push, and I found that I was burning up!! Mom had to fan me, but eventually I got so hot that I thought I was going to throw up. The pushing had begun! Unfortunately, I found out later my epidural needle had come out some, so I was beginning to feel some of my contractions, which I guess was in a way, good because I knew when to push. After I started pushing, I started throwing up and coughing. The doctor, all good intentions I'm sure, said that whatever I was doing, was helping because the baby would come out further each time I threw up. What stories I will tell her when she's older!
At 4:05 A.M my baby girl was born. They wiped her off and handed her to me after she was weighed. She was 7 lbs and 7 oz. 21 1/2" long and perfect! A head full of hair (which people still comment on today).
She had jaundice and we stayed in the hospital until it went down to a lower level. Although it went down, we had to have it continually checked until it went below a certain level. She was amazing through all her tests, always sleeping.
She has slept through the night since we brought her home. If she does wake up, its around 5 A.M. but she hasn't done that in awhile. We had some problems getting her to nurse, but now she's a healthy chunk at 10 lbs 7 oz.
Tomorrow we are going to take her 2 month pictures, a few days late...but better late than never!!